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About Dr. Ken Herman


Dr. Kenneth Herman has successfully used the tools described in Secrets from the Sofa in more than 100,000 patient hours in the course of his 45 years of counseling practice. The book focuses on the methods of change that have proven to be effective and get results, every single time.

Dr. Herman notes that there are many self-help books on the market.  Many are well-written and address specific issues such as marriage, parenting, weight control and anxiety.  He felt however, that here was a need for a book that would enable readers to acknowledge, identify, and resolve personal concerns.  A book that would assist readers to discover who they are and how they might alter their thinking and behavior to enhance the quality of their life.

Dr. Herman feels that readers armed with the correct stimulus (which he supplies with exercises, case studies, and penetrating questions) will enable them to become their own psychologist, so that they’re guided to personal accountability and be able to embrace change.

Dr. Herman shares his experiences and research by presenting sufficient practical material (in straight-forward, everyday language) to enable readers to know that change is possible. Throughout, Dr. Herman offers encouragement to keep readers going in the right direction.

Dr. Herman has spent most of his career engaged in clinical work. He is a board-certified clinical psychologist and a fellow in the Academy of Clinical Psychologists. Dr. Herman was the founder and director of the Psychological Service Center in Teaneck, New Jersey for many years. Prior to directing the center in Teaneck he served on the staff of the Massachuseetts General Hospital in Boston for three years. He has also taught on the university level, conducted research, supervised psychologists, launched a nursery school, speech clinic, reading center, and center for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. He appeared on an award winning television show pertaining to suicide which was aired nationally over WOR.  He has also appeared on Nightline and the Joe Franklin Show.

Dr. Herman and his wife Benita have been married 48 years and live in New Jersey close to their four children and nine grandchildren.

To contact Dr. Ken Herman, write or email:

Dr. Ken Herman
342 Orchard Road. Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Dr Herman (at) optonline.net